TikTok 20.6.4 for Android – Download

Download Free TikTok 20.6.4 for Android – Download

TikTok is the official Android application for the hugely popular social network that lets you create and share fun videos with all your friends and followers. To take advantage of all that TikTok has to offer, start by creating a user account – it will only take a few seconds.

TikTok offers you many different options for creating new videos. For example, choose to record your video directly in the app or use images and clips from your gallery. From there, add one of the millions of different songs from the TikTok directory and sync them with your videos, otherwise selecting a song stored on your smartphone is also an option, along with recording a voiceover.

The tons of features offered by TikTok make the editing process completely painless, fast and easy. Choose from all kinds of effects: filters, speed control, timeout, reset, transitions and other “time machine” effects.

TikTok is a social network that, unlike many others, is still fun to be on. TikTok is here to keep you up to date with all the latest trends, dances and viral videos. The best of all is what you get.

Say goodbye to musical.ly and hello to Tik Tok

The users of the popular musical.ly have recently experienced a drastic change in their application: Tik Tok has taken over the small video service, so from now on, we can start to forget the name musical.ly. All that remains is a small reference to it in the current logo of the application. The idea of ​​the merger is to offer a more unified user experience and to create the most relevant small format video platform in the world.

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Download Last Version: TikTok 20.6.4 for Android – Download

Free 2021

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