Podcast Addict 2021.2 for Android
Download Free Podcast Addict 2021.2 for Android
Manage all your podcasts, YouTube channels and RSS feeds from one app. Don’t miss the content you want to listen to, read and watch in Podcast Addict.
This application supports streaming and downloading files as well. It also includes an audio and video player that keeps playing where you left off, so you do not have to worry about pausing and starting over.
Includes dozens of radios from seven different countries to choose from. You can listen to them live or search for past broadcasts.
If you want you can browse different categories to discover new content or import it from iTunes, as long as it is Podcast Addict verified content, which offers this extra security feature.
The app also includes podcast suggestions and top 50 in each category. You can also share the results you discover with your contacts.
Podcast Addict is, in short, a good application for managing all multimedia content.
Download Last Version: Podcast Addict 2021.2 for Android
Free 2021
Download tags: #Podcast #Addict #Android