Windows 8.1 [64 bit & 32 bit]

Download Free Windows 8.1 [64 bit & 32 bit]

Download Windows 8.1 (latest version 2021) for free for Windows 10 (64-bit – 32-bit) PC / Laptop. Safe download and installation from the official link!

64-bit and 32-bit Windows 8.1 download features

  • Windows 8.1 direct, free and secure download
  • the latest version update
  • Compatible with Windows 10 64 bit and 32 bit
  • Download Windows 8.1 for your PC or laptop

Overview of the latest version of Windows 8.1

Windows 8.1 is a solid modern operating system from Microsoft. It comes after Windows 7 with respect to new modern standards. Provides more stability, security, and a more user-friendly Web 2. Reinstates the Start menu, File Explorer, Software Manager, and Control Panel. It was the first step towards Windows 10, Microsoft’s beloved child.

Key features of Windows 8.1

  • Interface changes: The first thing you’ll notice on Windows 8 is that it looks completely different from previous versions of Windows. The all-new interface includes features such as a splash screen, live tiles and hot corners.
  • Start menu: There’s now a Start button on the desktop with the new Windows logo, but it doesn’t do what veteran executives probably want:
  • Start screen: The main screen you use is called the Home screen and displays all your applications as tiles. You can customize the splash screen by changing the color scheme, selecting a background image, and rearranging tiles.
  • Live tiles: Allows you to view information without having to click on the application. For example, the Weather app displays the current weather on its tile and click it to see more details.
  • Hot horns: Place the mouse cursor in the corner of the screen to open a toolbar or tile that you can click. To switch to another open application, you can place the mouse pointer in the upper left corner and then click. If you’re using a tablet, swipe left or right instead of hot corners.
  • Bar of magic
  • Simplified desktop for higher speed

Online features: Includes login using Microsoft account, Social network functions,

Improved security: Windows Defender protects against malware such as spyware. Windows Store also helps protect you and your computer by showing you what information each application can access.

For example, some apps have access to your location, so if you’re not comfortable sharing your location, you can choose not to download those apps.

Source of functions: &


Windows 8.1 for Windows 10 is developed and updated by Microsoft. All registered trademarks, product names, and company or logo names are the property of their respective owners.


Screenshot 2 for Windows 8.1
Windows 8.1 icon

Windows 8.1

according to Microsoft

  • Category: Operating system
  • Version: Update 6051550
  • Last updated:
  • Size: 4+ GB
  • YOU: Windows 10 (32, 64 bits)
  • License: Free trial

Download Last Version: Windows 8.1 [64 bit & 32 bit] Free 2021

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