Smart Tutor for SAMSUNG Mobile 1.5 (build 288) APK Download from Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Download Free Smart Tutor for SAMSUNG Mobile 1.5 (build 288) APK Download from Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Smart Tutor is an easy, fast and secure way to advise on Android σειρά smartphones and tablets. It can be used to diagnose your device remotely in order to optimize device performance and give operational advice.
You can request diagnoses for the following:
• Data transfer, backup and restore
• Tips for new features
• Software update check
• Account settings (Samsung / Google ™ / email / etc)
How to get started
1. Download the “Smart Tutor” from the Google play store and install it on our Android device.
* From the Galaxy S5, download the Smart Tutor via the Essential Galaxy widget
(These characteristics may vary by region or nation.)
2. Make a phone call to the SAMSUNG contact center. After agreeing to the “Terms and Conditions”,
the contact center phone number will be displayed. (Because it depends on the country)
3. Enter the 6-digit login code given by a tech expert.
4. Once connected, a tech specialist will diagnose your cell phone.
5. If you want to end the “Smart Tutor”, click the “Logout” menu.
• Security and reliable
Do not worry about disclosing our personal information. The “Smart Tutor” limits a technology expert
from accessing applications with personal information of the client, such as Gallery, Message,
e-mail and more in all special features.
• Convenient and easy
Provide remote support from our Android device quickly and easily if we can use 3G / 4G or Wi-Fi.
• Characteristics
Screen Sharing / Chat / Screen Lock / Application Lock
Requirement & note
1. “Smart Tutor” works with Android operating system (Over Android 2.3.6)
2. “Google Experience Device” is not supported like “Galaxy Nexus”
3. The 3G / 4G network connection will be charged in accordance with the network data charging agreement with
your operator / Telecom. Before connecting, be sure to check the Wi-Fi availability for free support
Download Last Version: Smart Tutor for SAMSUNG Mobile 1.5 (build 288) APK Download from Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Free 2021
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