SHAREit – Transfer & Share 5.9.42_ww APK Download from Smart Media4U Technology Pte.Ltd.
Download Free SHAREit – Transfer & Share 5.9.42_ww APK Download from Smart Media4U Technology Pte.Ltd.
SHAREit, a great sharing app with fast platform transfer and free web streaming, including movies, videos, music, wallpapers, GIFs. SHAREit has also added a powerful media player, which helps you manage and enjoy your own videos and music.
► Faster in the world
200 times faster than Bluetooth, the highest speed reaches 20M / s.
File transfer without quality loss.
Φορά Transfer all file types
Photos, videos, music, installed applications, and other files.
. Infinite internet videos
HD & Selective, Offline monitoring, Constantly updated
. Excellent video player
Support almost all formats, giving you a smooth gaming experience
. Discover music trends
Tens of millions of high quality songs and thousands of playlists. Online and offline
. Stylish music player
The powerful equalizer offers exciting experiences for you
IFGIFs, wallpapers and stickers
Personalized, funny, download and share
Note: SHAREit will not have access to licenses not related to our functionality.
By accessing the Site, SHAREit can help you discover nearby users. Additionally, Android is required to access this license.
With access to Bluetooth Connection, SHAREit can discover nearby users faster to connect more effectively with the Sender / Receiver.
Download Last Version: SHAREit – Transfer & Share 5.9.42_ww APK Download from Smart Media4U Technology Pte.Ltd.
Free 2021
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