Mounty for NTFS 1.11 for Mac
Download Free Mounty for NTFS 1.11 for Mac
Many Mac users know the frustration of trying to use an external hard drive with their device only to find that it is not compatible. This is often because the external hard drive was originally formatted with a Windows computer and is therefore in NTFS format.
Until recently, the only way to use an NTFS hard drive with a Mac was with paid software such as Paragon NTFS or Tuxera NTFS (MAC). But thanks to Mounty, you can now read and write to any hard drive for free.
After a short installation process, Mounty runs in the background and displays a small mountain icon in your Mac menu bar. After that, each time you connect an NTFS device, the application will ask if you want to attach it, and then you can read and write it as usual. It’s that easy! Try Mounty and read or write to any hard drive on your Mac.
Download Last Version: Mounty for NTFS 1.11 for Mac
Free 2021
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