Download Free Krita 4.4.2 for Mac – Download
Krita is an application that focuses primarily on digital design, although it can also be used as an image editor or even as a vector graphics tool. It was originally developed for Linux as part of KDE and was included in the Calligra Suite. This version offers all the features of the original application, but now for the Mac environment.
The style of the interface is influenced by Adobe products as well as Corel digital design tools, so anyone who has used Photoshop in the past can get it quickly.
Includes many different brush types and effects, the ability to work with layers, support for the most widely used image formats, palettes, crop and vector manipulation, and different retouching tools.
But the best part is that it is a GNU licensed open source application. This makes it a great alternative to Gimp, the most popular open source image editor.
Download Last Version: Krita 4.4.2 for Mac – Download
Free 2021
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