Insight Timer 14.5.5 for Android

Download Free Insight Timer 14.5.5 for Android

Insight Timer is a meditation application that helps you … well, meditate. If you already know something about meditation, the app can help you practice at any time and in any place. And if you do not know much about it, you will find a complete guide to get started in this world.

To start using Insight Timer you must first register. Once you have your user account, in addition to accessing all available meditation lessons, you can also engage in group discussions. There are thousands of discussion groups about Buddhism, sleep patterns, Rumi poems, etc.

Another interesting thing about Insight Timer is that it lets you keep track of your activities with the app. You can even set goals that you want to achieve. You can see how much time you meditate each day and set realistic goals to improve your well-being.

Insight Timer is a great meditation application, with a sleek interface and a huge number of features. The best thing is that it can really help you feel better and improve your lifestyle.


Download Last Version: Insight Timer 14.5.5 for Android

Free 2021

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