Disketch Disc Label 6.21 for Windows

Download Free Disketch Disc Label 6.21 for Windows

Disketch Disc Label is a CD and DVD cover and sticker creation tool that includes various customization options.

We can choose whether we want to make a cover for a CD box (like music) or a DVD (like movies). In addition, we can also design the sticker that is attached to the CD / DVD.

Edit options allow us to set a specific background color, insert images, and add text. The latter two can be enlarged or reduced at will, and in the case of text, we can also change the font we want to use.

Disketch Disc Label also includes the option to download material directly from a disc that we have inserted into our computer. This way, we can more easily create covers for all our albums and home movies.

Disketch Disc Label is, in short, a very useful tool for any user who wants to make their own covers without using more complex programs such as Photoshop.


Download de Last Version: Disketch Disc Label 6.21 for Windows

Free 2021

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