Daily Horoscope 5.6.3 for Android
Download Free Daily Horoscope 5.6.3 for Android
Daily Horoscope is an application that offers you your daily horoscope on your Android device. Even better, you can add a widget with your horoscope to the screen of your phone or tablet.
The application gives you access to both your traditional, western horoscope (twins, bulls, rams, fish, etc.) and the Chinese horoscope (dragon, horse, tiger, pig, etc.). And you can also check your compatibility with some other types of horoscopes.
When you read the horoscope itself, you can save it to your device or share it online using a social network like Facebook or Twitter. Of course, it may not be best to use social media for this information, since usually no one else cares what the stars have to say about your personal life.
Daily Horoscope is a complete horoscope application. If you are looking for a way to keep up with your horoscope, you could not ask for much more than this app has to offer.
Download Last Version: Daily Horoscope 5.6.3 for Android
Free 2021
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