AirVisual 6.0.3-3.3 for Android – Download
Download Free AirVisual 6.0.3-3.3 for Android – Download
AirVisual is a great application for controlling the air quality around you, helping you decide if you want to take certain steps to protect your health. If you have respiratory problems or weak lungs and want to avoid infections, this app can help you a lot as you monitor air quality in real time, no matter where you are.
With AirVisual, you can easily control the air quality in the city you are in thanks to the geolocation function. You can also check the air quality in any other city with a simple search. This is useful if you want to plan your trip in advance.
The information provided by this application is quite extensive and includes amounts of PM2.5, PM10, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide in the air. AirVisual also encodes this information so you can get an idea of where things are at a glance.
You can also use AirVisual to check the weather for the next few hours or weeks. There are also tips on how to protect your health and avoid harmful pollution. Stay safe and healthy by monitoring the air quality around you with AirVisual, which is especially important if you are sensitive to it.
Download Last Version: AirVisual 6.0.3-3.3 for Android – Download
Free 2021
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